
Un groupe de pirates informatiques du Jailbreak Rabbit R1 découvre une importante faille de sécurité

Rabbit’s Security Breach and Access to Third-Party Services

Rabbit’s accounts were compromised through API keys that allowed access to third-party services. This breach exposed sensitive information, including responses from R1 devices, highlighting significant security risks.

Rabbitude’s Disclosure and Rabbit’s Delayed Response

Rabbitude disclosed the breach over a month ago, but Rabbit failed to take immediate action to secure the breached information. While some keys were revoked, access to the SendGrid key remained accessible as of the latest update, raising concerns about Rabbit’s handling of the situation.

Rabbit’s Silence and Reassurance Amidst the Breach

Despite the security breach, Rabbit has remained silent on the matter, only offering a general statement on its Discord server. The lack of transparency and proactive measures from Rabbit further erode trust in the company’s ability to safeguard customer data.

Rabbit R1’s Troubles and Continued Struggles

The Rabbit R1 faced criticism for its poor battery life, limited features, and flawed AI responses since its launch. Although software updates were released to address some issues, the core problem of underdelivering on promises persists, exacerbated by the recent security breach.


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Written by Barbara

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