
UE et Beats ont lancé les enceintes Bluetooth dont vous avez besoin cet été


This week on Installer, we delve into the world of the latest and trendiest gadgets, news, and entertainment. Join us as we explore exciting topics ranging from the beloved Boox Palma e-reader to the intriguing history of Markdown, and the future of streaming services.


  1. THE UE WONDERBOOM 4: A must-have Bluetooth speaker that offers both quality sound and convenience with its USB-C charging capability.

  2. THE BEATS PILL: Another new addition to the speaker lineup, offering a sleek design and versatile features, including the ability to charge other devices.

  3. VERGE APPAREL: Check out the latest merchandise from Verge, including hoodies and mugs that are sure to impress.

  4. "DEATH OF THE FOLLOWER & THE FUTURE OF CREATIVITY ON THE WEB": Dive into a thought-provoking discussion on the evolution of content creation and online engagement.

  5. ELEVENLABS READER: Explore an innovative AI-powered app that converts text into audio for a seamless reading experience.

  6. BLACKMAGIC CAMERA FOR ANDROID: Discover a top-notch camera app for Android devices that offers manual controls and instant feedback.

  7. NOTION SITES: Simplify website creation with this clever tool that allows users to publish web pages directly from Notion.

  8. THE BEAR SEASON 3: Get ready for an immersive viewing experience with the latest season of this captivating series.

  9. FIGMA SLIDES: Upgrade your presentation game with this exciting new feature from Figma that combines design and functionality.


Join us as we take a closer look at Sara Dietschy’s homescreen setup, offering insights into how she balances work and life on her iPhone.


Discover what the Installer community is into this week, from fascinating chess games to captivating sci-fi novels.


Before we end, indulge in a relaxing viewing session with "The Great Food Truck Race" and explore the world of food trucks and culinary adventures.

As always, your feedback and recommendations are valuable to us. Share your thoughts with us, and let’s continue this exciting journey together.

Source: Data compiled from various online sources.

What do you think?

Written by Barbara

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