
Le réalisateur Ti West parle de la conclusion de sa trilogie d’horreur X avec Maxxxine

Ti West and the Evolution of the Pearl and Maxine Horror Franchise

For the past few years, Ti West has been consumed by the creation of the horror villains Pearl and Maxine. The journey began with the ’70s slasher film X, followed by the technicolor prequel Pearl, and now reaches its peak with the ’80s thriller Maxxxine. This intense process has demanded all of West’s time and energy, with long days and weeks dedicated to bringing this franchise to life.

The Practical Birth of a Trilogy

The idea for the trilogy was born out of practicality, as West saw an opportunity to expand the story beyond just X into a larger narrative. The decision to film Pearl as a prequel, utilizing existing sets and resources, helped minimize risk and maximize efficiency. West’s quick scriptwriting during quarantine allowed for immediate filming and tied the films together seamlessly.

Connecting Pieces

While Pearl and X differ stylistically, they share a common thread through Mia Goth’s character, who plays both the titular villain in Pearl and a survivor in X. The films complement each other while standing alone, creating a cohesive viewing experience. West’s vision for a trilogy with distinct but interconnected films has come to fruition with Maxxxine.

Escalating Scale and Ambition

The success of Pearl and X paved the way for a larger-scale production with Maxxxine. The shift from the rural setting of the previous films to the glitzy Hollywood backdrop reflects the evolution in storytelling and character development. With a star-studded cast and increased expectations, West deliberately aimed to elevate the franchise with each installment.

The Trilogy’s Unique Approach

One of the defining features of the trilogy is its standalone nature, allowing audiences to start at any point in the story. While the films complement each other, West wanted to ensure that each movie could be enjoyed independently, catering to a diverse audience. The unique naming scheme of the franchise, based on the characters’ names, adds an extra layer of cohesion to the trilogy.

Future Possibilities

As Maxxxine serves as the conclusion to the current story, West is already considering potential directions for the franchise’s future. While details remain under wraps, West hints at the possibility of a break before diving into the next project. The journey of Pearl and Maxine may have reached its climax, but the legacy of the trilogy lives on.

Image: A24 and Image: A24

Sources: [URL1], [URL2]

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Written by Barbara

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