
Le premier trailer de The Color Purple promet une relecture puissante du film original.


The upcoming Warner Bros. remake of Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple is set to fuse together the various artistic adaptations of the classic story in a fascinating way. This much-anticipated film will feature a star-studded cast and tells the harrowing story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted when one of them is forced to run away as a teenager.


Oprah Winfrey, Quincy Jones, Steven Spielberg, and Scott Sanders are the talented executive producers behind the new The Color Purple. The film stars Phylicia Mpasi and Fantasia Barrino as Celie, while Halle Bailey and Ciara Wilson play Nettie Harris, the two pivotal sisters in the story. Other notable actors in the cast include Taraji P. Henson as Shug Avery and Danielle Brooks as Sofia, all of whom promise to deliver electric performances.


Celie and Nettie’s lives take drastically different paths after Nettie is forced to flee their abusive home. Time and distance separate the sisters, and their experiences transform them into different people. However, their childhood promise of keeping in touch via letters keeps Celie hopeful that she will be reunited with Nettie someday. Without giving away too much, the trailer highlights the importance of Mpasi and Bailey’s performances as young Celie and Nettie to understand the performances of Barrino and Wilson as their adult counterparts.


Although we only get a small taste of Fantasia’s vocals in the trailer, it’s evident that the performances in this film will be exceptional. Henson’s portrayal of Shug Avery and Brooks’ role as Sofia also seem promising. We might still be some time away from the next awards season cycle, but one can’t help but expect this film to be a strong contender due to the formidable cast and the powerful storyline.

In conclusion, The Color Purple remake is not a film to be missed, and with the new spin on it, it promises to be a thrilling ride through a classic tale.

What do you think?

Written by Pierre T.

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