
La bande dessinée Get Jiro! d’Anthony Bourdain va être adaptée en film d’animation

Adult Swim Orders New Series Adaptations

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Adult Swim has recently commissioned a series based on the popular comic book Get Jiro! The show will be crafted by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka, the writers behind the film Sharper. This new series will delve into the life of a lethal sushi chef navigating a dark, futuristic society where individuals resort to violence to secure coveted restaurant reservations.

SuperMutant Magic Academy Coming to Adult Swim

In addition to Get Jiro!, Adult Swim will also be bringing Jillian Tamaki’s web comic SuperMutant Magic Academy to the screen. The adaptation will be overseen by Tamaki herself and J.G. Quintel, known for creating Regular Show. Fans of the original web comic can look forward to seeing their favorite characters come to life in this exciting new show.

Details Remain Under Wraps

As of now, specifics about the production teams, cast members, or potential premiere dates for either series have not yet been disclosed. Keep an eye out for updates as more information becomes available.


  • The Hollywood Reporter

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Written by Barbara

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