
Forza Horizon 4 sera retiré des magasins Microsoft et Steam en décembre.

The Sunset of Forza Horizon 4

Are you a fan of the popular video game Forza Horizon 4? Well, I have some news that may disappoint you. Playground Games recently announced that the game will be delisted from digital storefronts on December 15th, 2024 due to licensing and partner agreements. This means that sales of the game will end, and it will no longer be available for purchase on Microsoft stores and Steam.

The Final Farewell

If you still want to experience Forza Horizon 4, you only have until July 25th to August 22nd to participate in the final in-game event. After this period, some achievements linked to the seasonal Festival Playlists will no longer be unlockable.

DLC Delisting and Game Pass Bonus

In addition to the game itself being delisted, the DLC for Forza Horizon 4 is also being removed starting today. However, if you have played the game through Xbox Game Pass and purchased DLC, you are eligible to receive a token to download the full game and continue playing it after the delisting date. This token will be sent to qualifying players with a fully paid Xbox Game Pass subscription in the coming days and must be redeemed by June 25th, 2026.

Unexpected Positivity

Despite the delisting of Forza Horizon 4, Playground Games has announced that the servers will remain active post-delisting. This means that both offline and online modes will still be accessible to players. Additionally, qualifying Game Pass subscribers will receive a code to keep the game, showing that Playground is trying to make the best of a challenging situation caused by licensing issues.

A Bittersweet Farewell

Forza Horizon 4 will soon be removed from digital stores, leaving only physical Xbox copies for latecomers or preservationists to enjoy. While Forza Horizon 5 has been a successful successor, the short lifespan of digital games like Forza Horizon 4 can leave a sense of unease. The franchise is likely to continue with new titles, but the temporary nature of digital games can still be unsettling for fans.

Remember, the digital world is ever-changing, and it’s important to cherish the time we have with our favorite games before they become a distant memory. Make the most of Forza Horizon 4 while you still can, and stay tuned for the future of the Forza franchise.


  • press release from Playground Games

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Written by Barbara

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