
Le nouveau Nikon Z6 III à 2500$ dispose du premier capteur CMOS partiellement empilé au monde.


During a recent photo walk with a Nikon representative, it was mentioned that every photographer eventually becomes a "birder" as they run out of subjects to capture, leaving birds as the main focus due to the ease of capturing them with the advancements in camera technology.

The new Nikon Z6 III, priced at $2,500, features a 24.5-megapixel partially stacked CMOS sensor, a first in camera technology. This unique sensor design enhances the camera’s performance, offering higher shooting rates, improved autofocus, and reduced rolling shutter effect compared to its predecessor, the Z6 II. This technological innovation allows Nikon to maintain the camera’s price below higher-end models like the Z8 and Z9 while enhancing its capabilities.

Additionally, the Z6 III boasts a bright electronic viewfinder, capable of reaching 4,000 nits peak brightness, and can film 6K RAW video at up to 60fps and 4K RAW at up to 120fps. The camera is built with Z8-level quality, ensuring durability in harsh conditions, with dust and moisture seals and operational capabilities down to -10 degrees Celsius. Nikon’s commitment to sturdy construction paired with high specifications makes their cameras versatile for all types of photographers, potentially turning them into "birders."

During a photo walk on the Staten Island Ferry with the Z6 III, the camera’s fast autofocus performance was evident, allowing for easy tracking of birds using the boat’s slipstream. While the camera lacks a dedicated bird focus mode, Nikon claims a 20% improvement in autofocus speed compared to the Z6 II, with increased sensitivity in low-light conditions down to -10EV. This improved performance was showcased when capturing seagulls in action on the ferry.

The seamless operation of the Z6 III, akin to the Z8 and Z9 models, eliminates the need for photographers to worry about technical aspects like focus, handshake, or shutter speed, allowing for quick and effortless shooting in any scenario. The intuitive nature of Nikon cameras simplifies the photography process, focusing more on creativity and less on technicalities.

Although limited testing was conducted during the photo walk, the Z6 III’s performance left a positive impression. Further testing is required to explore the capabilities of the partially stacked sensor technology, but initial impressions suggest a promising future for this innovation. The Nikon Z6 III is now available for purchase at $2,500, offering photographers a blend of affordability and performance in a compact package.

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Written by Barbara

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