
Un aperçu de la Légion Go et du Steam Deck OLED de l’intérieur


iFixit has recently released a dual teardown of Valve’s Steam Deck OLED and the Lenovo Legion Go, providing an in-depth look inside both handheld consoles with a focus on repairability. The Steam Deck OLED received a high repairability score of 9/10, while the Lenovo Legion Go scored an 8/10.

The article includes a summary of the process, but it’s recommended to watch the accompanying video for a more thorough understanding and close-up shots of the components. It’s also a helpful resource for those interested in the DIY aspect of repairing these consoles.

Valve has emphasized that it made the Steam Deck OLED easier to repair, a sentiment echoed by iFixit and other reviewers. Similarly, Lenovo has made concerted efforts to highlight the repairability of its products.

One interesting detail is the choice of a metal frame and screw posts for the new Steam Deck, which improves the durability of the device when reassembling it. The article also points out the use of pull tabs for battery removal in the Lenovo Legion Go, a user-friendly design feature.

The Legion Go’s use of Hall effect sensors and the Steam Deck’s employment of potentiometers for the sticks are highlighted as important design choices that can impact the overall durability and performance of the consoles.

In conclusion, iFixit maintains that the Steam Deck OLED has a slight edge in repairability over the Legion Go, but both consoles are well-designed and relatively easy to repair, offering an interesting look into the intricacies of modern handheld gaming devices.

Source: iFixit

# References
– “Steam Deck OLED and Lenovo Legion Go Teardowns” by iFixit

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Written by Barbara

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